Tuesday, January 19, 2010

It's been a while

Shew! So it's been a while since my last update.

We were finally able to get our 1st of 3 home visits scheduled, it will be on January 26. We have got lots of copies to make and another form or two to complete but I feel like we are pretty well prepared. I hope to get the crib and changing table in the room by then and start "putting the room together".

Pray for us as we work on these things, I have hoped to spend lots of time on this stuff recently but have had other stuff getting in the way. We will spend Saturday devoted to preparing for the home study. I have to proof my autobiography and Shaun still hasn't gotten started on his!


  1. HOORAY!!!! So excited for you two. Let us know if we can help you get things ready. Much love.

  2. I am *thinking* about adoption a lot these days and will be following your story with bated breath. I sure hope everything goes smoothly from here on out. One question, do you have to have a full nursery ready before you can adopt? If I was having a baby I would start with a bassinet in our room and then later move up to a crib. Do you think that kind of thing could hold us back in a home inspection?
