Wednesday, March 17, 2010

not so patiently

Our “final home visit” was last night. I was all excited about getting one step closer to being foster parents, only to find that only God knows when we will be certified. I’m not good at being patient. I know that God is in control but my heart sank when she said that she didn’t know when she could write our homestudy or when it would be approved. I know that hearing “your next in line” was supposed to be comforting but it wasn’t. I just can’t explain the desire that I have to be a mom, even if it’s to a child that will go back to a birth family. I know that separation will be difficult but I never expected this wait to be so painful at times. I know that there are children out there that need to know what love is and Shaun and I are filled with love we can’t wait to share it.

Please pray that God will fill the pit in my heart. Please pray that I will be patient and trust in the Lord. Please pray for the Children that God will place in our home and in our forever!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am thankful for...

my woderful Husband who goes out of his way to make me happy, puts my comfort before his own, does all the laundry and makes the recycling pile magically disapper. He allows me to dream big and supports me though he can't see my vision... He loves me like Jesus!

being debt free, except our house, having an "emergency fund" and finding out the we owe on our taxes!

the desire to have a family and the courage to accept God's will.
the children that God is preparing for us.

our loving friends and family, people who make us happy and make us mad, make us laugh and make us cry... people that make us us.

my loving heavenly Father who desires my heart and has plans for my life.